Friday, September 15, 2006

First Journal

Ok first journal this is hard T_T

Cell phones. Do you remember the time when all the cell phones looked like big walkie-talkies? I remember that but that was ten years ago and back then only adults had cell phones. But now kids from age seven and up can have a cell phone. Over the course of ten years the cell phone industry has evolved significantly by targeting younger buyers. Younger buyers means cooler phones. Today we have an assortment of phones to choose from camera phones, mp3 phones, camera and mp3 phones; some phones are even as small as your smallest pocket in your pants and some are really thin like the Motorola razor. Camera phones although very convenient for those moments that you just have to have a picture of can be very dangerous also. People can use those cameras to invade someone's privacy or even for blackmailing by taking a humiliating pictures of people. People who do not have cameras or prefer having a convenient camera within their reach sometimes use camera phones. Especially for teenagers, for some reason WE like to take pictures with our friends. So most teenagers have camera phones meaning cell phone companies are making a LOT of money. However, like Ms.Huebner said with the good comes the bad. The bad thing about camera phones like I said is invasion of privacy. Some people who like their privacy can be caught doing whatever it is they are doing alone by taking a picture. Some people even take immoral pictures of girls wearing skirts if you know what I mean. Camera phones can also be used to catch someone in the act of picking their nose and use it to blackmail them. Cell phones can also cause radiation in the brain, which can lead to cancer. Did you know that? But we must always remember that cell phones have made a significant impact on our generation and for many years to come.


Blogger Anri Lin said...

xD Pamela and I caught a picture of Zedric in LSG and it looked like he was picking his nose.. [I cant type "Lol" so.. xD] Funny, funny..

5:24 PM

Blogger inkheart0110 said...

yes, cellphones have indeed come a long way. from huge bricks to pieces of paper.

2:36 PM


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