Friday, November 10, 2006

When war meets video games

Our society today no longer find board games or video games such as Mario that interesting unlike 20 years ago. We are so used to seeing or hearing about violence everday that it is part of our everyday life. Teenagers today aren't easily satisfied, they want games that are more realistic and something that they can relate to (even if its stealing or killing people). In my opinion, I think war games are very popular now because its just plain fun. I admit I like war games because its fun to kill people (especially in Halo). I know that sounds wrong but it is fun and I know a million other people think the same. I don't know why its fun. I guess it’s the fact that people find it funny. Believe me people do. I think our society today is so used to hearing about violence everyday that it doesn’t bother them when they shoot someone till they die in war games. Even kids as young as five, play war games because that's the environment they grew up in. A lot of teenagers play war games because they find it entertaining. Some even turn it into a contest; they try and kill each other in the most violent way. I think it doesn’t stop people from being sensitive about war because playing war and being in an actual war are two different things. It’s like saying you're not afraid of heights while you're standing on the ground but when you go inside the CN tower and look down. You may find that the height is slightly terrifying. Killing computer AI's doesn’t bother me because its not real. You cannot compare virtual reality to reality, because when it comes to killing a real person, I wouldn’t even be able to hold a gun. Thinking about a real war in Canada still scares me and I would never want that to happen but playing war games at home is just way too much fun to give up. What can I say? I guess I’m just used to violent games that I don’t even cringe when they show blood squirting out of the dead body. Ever since they introduced war games, seeing someone die is like an everyday thing. So, when it actually happens it doesn’t really affect people (people who aren’t close to that person anyway). War games could also help people deal with war or emotions (eventhough its fake). Some people find that killing computer AI's very relaxing when they are angry. Personally, i get tired of video games very easily, so i need something new and exciting to play. That's why a lot of companies are making war games because that's what people find interseting these days.

Well that's my opinion anyway =D

An Ipod classroom

ok lets see......

I think i would learn well using an Ipod but theres the occasional distraction of listening to music and such. I need to be able to see the teacher physically not in just some Ipod screen. Although, maybe thats how they would do things in the future. But then sometimes i get bored of teachers talking on and on about things and since Mary Ward is a self-directed school, i think it would fit right into the curiculum because it would be exactly like taking online courses in eclass. Although, if you think about those people that just hallwalk everyday having an Ipod classroom will not do well for them. They would get even more lazy and might not even learn anything. I think that the idea that music helps us do work better was proven wrong. So if i'm correct, students could just pretend that they are listening to/watching lectures and just listen to music. That's what i would do. Having an Ipod classroom is possible but its the students that we have to think of. Of course it would be easier for the teachers but can students really learn more from Ipod lectures rather than real lectures?

Having scheduled days and going to seminars is hard enough for some students to follow. I mean sure they would like the idea of an Ipod classroom because they can just watch lectures anytime they want and they don't have to go to school. But they'll just keep on putting it off and off. Also, this would affect teachers as well because if they're already embracing the idea of an Ipod classroom, whats next? A robot teacher? Students talking to teachers online instead? Personally, i think they should have Ipod classroms but then again would i do better or worse?