Wednesday, April 11, 2007

ah music to my ears

Write a journal response with your thoughts on the article. Do you think Napster has really changed the world? Did the record companies really win the battle against pirated music or could they have won the battle earlier on? How would they benefit if they didn't push to shut down Napster?Take a look at the five lessons he's learnedl from the fall of Napster, what does this tell us about emerging technologies in our society? Can you think of another newly emerging technology going throught the same trial?

I remember that year when I first discovered Kazaa. I was happy that I could download music free; I went crazy downloading this and that, not for once thinking that I was “stealing”. Then came that faithful day, when I found out that Kazaa was being sued for allowing people to download things free. I freaked out and the first thing I did was uninstall the program thinking that my downloading can be traced back to me and be charged with “stealing” music from artists. I was young then and now I should’ve learned from that experience. But no, I didn’t, I still download music through Limewire or Ares, what can I say? I just can’t afford to buy all those songs.

In my years, of extensive downloading habits, I have never used Napster. I knew what it was, a website that sells music. However, when I read this article, I found out that Napster was just like Limewire before. I never heard of that lawsuit and how it was forced to shut down. Recording companies would’ve benefited more from a partnership with Napster but they just had to be ignorant. Building a partnership with Napster would’ve made them millions of dollars richer. However, since this kind of partnership was unknown to them they considered it a threat and thus, the fall of Napster began. Napster was sued and was forced to bankruptcy. A few years later Napster was bought by another company and now sells music. Successfully shutting down Napster, did not stop anything, newer programs are still being created today. Hundreds of artists are still losing money because of pirated music and there’s nothing they can do about it. Unless they have some type of technology that disables people from downloading free music.

Nevertheless, whatever recording companies or artists choose to do. I don’t think this kind of technology will ever subside because who passes up an opportunity to get free stuff ? No one, and so as long as there is a way for this kind of technology to exist it will never disappear. My advice to these recording companies is: If You Can't Beat Them, Join Them. Figure out how to become business partners with softwares such as Limwire or something and enjoy it while it lasts. For our technology is ever evolving and somehow, someday a newer and smarter technology will emerge and possibly ruin recording companies.


Blogger Anri Lin said...

When I came, Kazaa was the most popular downloading program. Now Ares and Limewire is. I like Ares better even though Limewire looks more classy because it is actually faster.. but lately mine has been taking time because I download mroe than 30 files at the same time x_x "

7:45 AM


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