Thursday, June 07, 2007

tsk tsk I'm telling!!!

Grade 10 Media Journal Entry #

What did you think of the assembly about cyberbullying we saw?
What do we consider cyberbullying?
What would you suggest as an appropriate punishment for cyberbullying?
Any other comments.

ahhhhh I'm telling on you!! How many times have we heard THAT in our lives? A million times probably. Nobody likes a tattle-tale so people who get bullied are sometimes too afraid to tell someone because they might get singled out even more. This is the truth about bullying and it can only be stopped if people stand against it. We had an assembly about cyberbullying a few weeks ago? and everyone probably has their own theory about why we had an assembly. BUT that doesn't matter right now. To me, talking about how you can stop cyberbullying is so overrated. I know that sounds like a bad thing but to me it seems that in our society all we do is talk, sometimes we don't really act on it. Sure, they're talking about how cyberbullying is bad but seriously talking to teenagers about it doesn't really change anything. In my opinion, that assembly was pointless. I know i shouldn't say things like this but i don't think assemblies about cyberbullying actually helps. We all know what cyberbullying is and why it happens. People bully others because it makes them feel powerful or because the person who is being bullied is unfamilar to them. I think if the school board really wants to stop cyberbullying they should do more than assemblies. I know for sure that some people weren't even listening to the assembly. I think suspending or making that "bully" work with or have a sensible conversation with that person he or she bullied is an appropriate punishment for cyberbullying. Personally, i don't think cyberbullying will ever stop. Sure, the "bully" might get suspended but there's still a big chance that he or she will do it again. In our society, the "pecking order" is inevitable. It's sad but we humans are like this. Someone will always get picked on BUT of course we can stop it by helping that person in need and not leaving them by themselves when they need help the most.